Lee Zimmerman
Cellist and Vocalist - Cello Music from the Heart


Joe RothJoanie BechtelLee and Ed D

Teaching has always been an enjoyable and essential part of my life. I feel that my approach to the cello is unique and valuable especially in these days of converging music worlds. I am gratefully a perennial student myself and feel this is a great time for me to reach out. Playing, I am frequently approached about teaching by adult students who came to my shows out of curiosity and a love for the cello. The learning curve is steep but immensely gratifying. Studying cello has proved immensely beneficial to life far beyond music. I am currently pursuing a plan using improv with some mechanical changes to the instrument to ease the burden for older students (and maybe younger ones, too). Stay tuned and contact me for more info!




Weddings, Ceremonies - Teaching- Performance Art- Yoga and Tai Chi- Entertainment - Dance - House concerts- House parties- Backup Cello and Voice, etc.

Website developed and designed byCathryn Lai
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